My mommy will customize it if you would like. A siggy, a favicon, or just the butterfly to say you won it! I just want you to post it on your blog. Oh and my mommy said she'll make you a custom siggy of your choice too!
Enter to win my prize!
WOW! What a pretty butterfly you drew. I love all the colors you used. Sherri
Beautiful butterfly! Wish I could watch it fly around my backyard. You're very talented.
What a beautiful butterfly. I live in northern Minnesota and Spring has not quite come yet so maybe your butterfly come here and make some magic so that it stays warm. Your name is also very pretty as it is close to my little girl's name Lilliana - we call her Lily for short. Thanks for sharing your inspiring picture. - Alma =)
What a beautiful butterfly. It's too early in the spring for butterflies where I live so I'll just have to come back and look at this one!
This is such a beautiful butterfly Lillian! Congratulations on your hits. You are so very talented - I can see that you take after your mommy and your Aunt Susan!!
this is gorgeous!! your blog is too cute!! congrats on your hit milestone!
Very pretty
Lillian, you are such a talented little girl! Your artwork is beautiful and I am enjoying it all the way from Oklahoma!!! I'm going to put a link to your blog on mine if you don't mind. Ask your mommy to let me know if that's okay. Have a wonderful day!
WOW!!! I LOVE your butterfly!!! Your blog is so cute too! I love how the puppy and butterfly move! That's so cool! :)
What a lovely butterfly! I love the colors!
That's one beautiful butterfly! I would love love love to own it for my very own!!
Lillian -
This is an exceptional butterfly. I would love to have it to decorate my bulletin board at the school where I work. Of course, it would have to come home with me when we are out of school!
Please pick me!
oh that is adorable!!!!! i would LOVE this butterfly!
That is just beautiful. Lillian, you are a very talented artist!
very beautiful! I love your site! So talented!
What a pretty butterfly! I would love to win it!
Congratulations on the hits!!!!
oh LIllian thats a beautiful butterfly you've drawn an congratulations to you for having 300 hits on your blog I haven't got that many! your blog is so pretty you are a very clever little girl
Love the butterfly! Congratulations on 300 hits- you must being doing a great job with this blog. :)
Thats a very pretty butterfly.
Congratulations on your posts.
Very Nice!!! Have fun with your blog!!!
Hey Lillian. You are so talented! I love your butterfly, it is so sweet! You are truly an artist!
What a gorgeous butterfly, you did a fantastic job. My daughter Sydney really likes it. She said she would like to put it in her room so it could fly around. Well done!
Karen H
Round Rock, TX
How sweet! You did a wonderful job. The colors are perfect!!! Hugs!
What a great butterfly! You must have worked very hard on it and it shows!
Lillian....How cute are you?????You are A-Dore-A-Ble!!!!!!!!! I love your butterfly, its the prettiest butterfly I have ever seen!!!!
Huggs to you Lillian and to your Mom for helping you with your blog. Say Hi to Mrs. Meek for me!
Huggs, DebKendra
That is a BEAUTIFUL butterfly!! You did an amazing job coloring it. Your blog is great too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and get to play outside a lot!
Congratulations Lillian! I love your butterfly. It is "purtiful"
Congrats on your 300 hits! Your blog is just to cute and lovin all your creative artwork.
What a beautiful butterfly! I love the colors you used! What will you draw next?
Lillian your blog is super sweet! Your picture is beautiful and who ever wins will be super lucky!
Please tell mommy Lovetostamp6 says hello...
Hugs & Smiles,
Jennifer :)
You drew a very pretty Butterfly! Keep up the great work. I hope you have a very Happy Memorial Weekend!!!! Oh and Congratulations on all your hits on your blog!!!!
Hi Lillian!!
I love your blog and your butterfly!! You did a wonderfull job coloring it...its sooo pretty!!:O)
I also love dogs...I have a little black and white dog. He's part Chihuahua and Pomeranian. He's full grown and only weighs 6lbs!
Guess what? I also have a granddaughter who is 6 yrs old! She will be 7 On July 16th :O)
Her name is Shavonne.
Well, I hope you have a wonderful weekend and you take care of yourself and that beautiful butterfly :O)
How cute are you!!!! This is just fabulous!!
What a darling butterfly! You're so talented! Keep up the good work.
I love it Lillian :)
I have a big smile on my face :) Thankyou for drawing it and sharing it with us :)
It is getting cold in Australia and I miss the butterflies so this will keep me happy :)
Hope its ok with you and Mommy - I have added you to my inspiration list :)
Hugs Heather
what a beautiful butterfly
This is a beautiful butterfly! You are a wonderful artist. Keep on drawing!
What a beautiful butterfly and your blog is awesome! You have some really terrific art work on it, I love it! You are a talented artist just like your mom.
Lillian, this is just such a wonderful butterfly! Love all the colors. I would like to enter to win this for my son. He is 16 mo. old and pointed to it on the screne. If we don't win it, keep up the great work, you are an artist in the making!
Omigosh! I looooove this! I would soooo love to have this butterfly hanging right here with me. So make sure you pick MY name!
That beautiful butterfly of yours sure brightens up our cold Autumn day in Australia. I see you have had another visit from someone else in Australia. I will link you in my next post and see if you can get a few more visits :)
Keep up the great blogging!
You are a very talented girl Lilly! Thanks for sharing your blog with us and putting a smile on my face this morning!
What a cute butterfly ! Butterflies are a favorite of mine . Congrats on your 300 hits !
Keep having lots of fun with your blog .
My daughter is 5 1/2 and she loves you blog. We will have to check it frequently. Bailee (my daughter) says HI.
Greetings from Finland. There are no butterflies yet where I live, so your butterfly makes me smile and think of the summer that is coming.
I love your butterfly! You did a beautiful job on it. I can't wait to see what else you'll draw for us!
Lillian--Congratulations on 300 hits! I think you have more than I do!!! Whoohoo! I love that you are blogging---this is a great way to use your growing vocabulary and spelling skills! I love your butterfly---I just planted some plants that attract butterflies and I've already had some in my yard! Thanks for the blog candy chance!!
soon you'll have your own design of stamps or web designs! Go girl!!
Beautiful butterfly! I think I saw one just like the other day:) great job!
Hi Lillian,
Your butterfly is a sure sign of spring! I am a teacher in Nova Scotia, Canada and my students love to draw butterflies too at this time of year! I'd love to have yours to hang in my office at work!
How cute! I love the dog in your header.
Congratulations on all those hits, Lillian! I love your artwork! I like butterflies, too. If you go to my blog and you'll see something that's full of butterflies and hangs on the wall in my home. Have a wonderful day! :)
Great butterfly my darling Lily!!! Put my name in the hat to get some "candy"!!
Sweet Lillian! I am sooo happy to see your beautiful Blog!!! I have missed your smiling face each morning :)So proud of you!! Love, Mrs Jones
Very cute butterfly. Thanks for sharing your picture with us. Congrats on your hits!!
I looooovvveee your butterfly! You have picked such beautiful colors. I hope you have a great summer and see lots of butterflies.
GORGIOUS butterfly. It looks like I'm seeing butterflies everywhere...they make me happy and cenrtainly your colourfull butterfly.
Greetings from the Netherlands,
Lillian, what a wonderful gift to give away. It definitely should be displayed on a blog and since I don't have one, I'm not putting my name in for the blog candy, but I just wanted you to know I think you and your blog are great.
:D Yeah for YOU!! :D I have 2 little girls, and both have pet blogs. I really LOVE your cute banner. How did you get those dog and butterfly to move? That's waaay cool! :D Have a great day!
I like your butterfly. My grandson, Walker, likes to draw too. Hope you have fun writing and drawing for your blog.
Hi Lillian - I just found your blog today, and I am very impressed! I really like your art work - you are good with your new painting program that you got for Christmas. Your banner that your mum helped you to make is brilliant! I would love to have your butterfly to put on my blog - I think it would be such fun and something that would go very well with my flowers!
I have put you on my list of blogs that I check everyday.
Your a girl after my own heart. I am a butterfly nut. Alot of my cards I make are with butterflies. I must say my collection of butterfly stamps is growing.
Great blog! And awesome job on the butterfly!
Butterflies are my favorite - I love to see them in my garden.
Congrats on all the hits!!
You have a great blog. You are an amazing artist!!! Keep up the good work!
Your blog is fabulous! Very colorful and fun to look at! Good job! My daughter's name is Lillianna and her nickname is Lilly.
Great butterfly... It looks so pretty on my blog.... Thank you for allowing me to place in in my sidebar...
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!!
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